Conflict Coaching

What is Conflict Coaching?

Conflict coaching is a one-on-one session between someone experiencing conflict and a trained facilitator known as a “coach.” The coach helps by prompting you with questions that help analyze the conflict from your perspective and the perspective of the other people involved in the conflict. The coach then works with you to explore options to navigate the conflict more effectively.

The conflict coach is a neutral, third-party, who does not take sides, give advice, or advocate for any particular course of action. Instead, the coach will discuss options with you to help you gain clarity and make your own decisions about a dispute. Along the way, you will develop skills that could help you as you move forward after the conflict coaching session.

Our Approach

During the initial consultation (or intake call) with CRCSTL, we’ll discuss options to resolve a dispute with you. You can let us know if you feel conflict coaching is a good option for you and you prefer it to a mediation (which requires the participation of the other party in the conflict). At that point, you’ll be assigned a conflict coach, who will schedule an appointment with you either online or in-person (depending on your preference).

Your conflict coach is a professionally-trained mediator/conflict coach who will explain the process to you in more detail as you progress. It is a conversation, and it can be the first conversation in a series of conversations. Sometimes, after meeting with a conflict coach, you may wish to learn more about mediation or attempt to make contact with the other party to your conflict through a mediator. This would begin the mediation process.

What Types of Issues Can CRCSTL Conflict Coaches Help With?

Workplace: If you’re experiencing a conflict at work and wish to talk about it in a private, confidential, and neutral setting with someone outside of your workplace

Neighbor: If you’re having difficulties with a neighbor and wish to discuss steps you can take to address the dispute and methods to establish healthy lines of communication

Landlord/Tenant: If you’re having trouble communicating with your tenant or your landlord about issues related to rent, maintenance, or lease terms

Neighborhood: If you’re a representative of a neighborhood association or if you’re having a problem with your HOA

What Issues Aren’t Appropriate for Conflict Coaching?

Conflict coaches won’t provide you with legal advice, and they won’t ask you to share any information you’re not comfortable sharing. Conflict coaches can’t tell you what to do, but they can help you explore solutions that you generate through a process we call “testing.” 

How Long Do Sessions Last?

A conflict coaching session generally takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Because we understand that you are busy, our sessions do not exceed 2 hours. If at the end of your session, you would like to request a follow-up coaching session, you can notify your coach and your coach will let us know. Our staff will reach out to you to discuss another session.

Think It Can Help?

Call us at 314.255.7449 or click here.